Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Yesterday evening at our Monday meet and run we had a great session. The group headed out on the New Haven end of the River Greenway. Awesome running. As is usual I watched those ahead of me pull away gradually. I fell easily into my routine pace and also had to overcome my displeasure at not being able to go faster. So for some distance I thought about the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. Yeah, me--I'm the tortoise and I'm doing it my way. Gonna make it.
The plan was to do four miles. By the time I got to a mile and a half some of the group were coming back past me. Darn. I hate being the slowest. Then it dawned on me that in the whole past two weeks of watching the Olympics no one had any body hair to slow them down. Lloy Ball the volleyball player was growing some facial hair and Dr. Gordon is too and I have a moustache so that doesn't matter. But no body hair was evident on those athletes. By the time I finished my four miles I had a chance to observe a number of runners as they passed me and the ones who were huffing and puffing the least didn't have body hair. So what do you think?
I think I'll get a full body wax. My luck--it would be turtle wax and I'd be right back where I started.
So much for rational thought when I run. Tomorrow is another four mile. I know right now it will take me an hour and four minutes give or take 20 or 30 seconds. That's life in the slow lane.

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