Wednesday, November 5, 2008


In the last week or so I've walked a mile a couple of times and have done a lot of yard work. So that has been my workout routine until yesterday when we drove over to the Greenway between New Haven and Ft. Wayne. We walked west from the parking area on North River Rd. and went 3 miles and returned for a 6 mile jaunt. It was a great day for a walk. 73 degrees on the 4th of November--almost unheard of--and the sunshine on the fall leaves was gorgeous. Cyndy began to tire on the way back so we set a more leisurely pace.

The big surprise of the day was when we had only gone a short way on the return leg and wild turkeys appeared just ahead of us. Within two miles or so of downtown Ft. Wayne, believe it or not! We were able to get right up to where they went down the river bank and Cyndy sneaked over to the edge of the bank with her camera. They flew across the river.

It was a great day.

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