Friday, September 26, 2008


Tomorrow is the big day. I am not doing anything today but rest. (except for some nervous pacing) During this week I have begun getting up at 5 AM and having my usual breakfast then. That puts my body into the time frame it is used to because I usually allow two hours after I eat to do any running. So when we take off at 7:30 there will be no belly aches. Other than the little water bottles that I take along on longer runs I haven't gotten in to the energy snack thing. I have 4 gummy worms and an energy bar packed to take along tomorrow just in case I would need them. I'll get my water along the way at the various spots it is offered.

Encouragement keeps coming my way from so many people who have followed the group and I as we worked toward this goal. I'm so glad we can be an example of what is possible.

I don't take prayer lightly. I respect it's awesome power. So it is my prayer that we can inspire others tomorrow, accomplish this safely, be joy filled and humble. To some what we have done may seem trivial. To me it has been a life changing experience.

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