Monday, September 15, 2008


Each day is slipping by as the F 4 F gets closer and closer. I'm concerned that I might lose some of the longer distance stamina if I don't run at least every other day. Unpleasant, rainy weather has been the norm lately so I've made some four mile runs in between showers. Saturday's planned charity walk was scrapped. Rain. Sunday morning I did a four mile run. Storms then moved through and by today it became cool and partly sunny which made our group run this evening quite pleasant. Another four miles.
We discussed a lot of the information from the marathon committee and asked Jamey a lot of questions to better get a feel for what the start, route and possible obstacles might turn out to be. None of us have run in as large a group as this will be. (3000) Or for this long a distance.
Jamey stressed the importance of not allowing more than a day off between training runs as we near the end of preparation as it will be hard to build back up in time. This week I will do another four mile and hopefully a six on Friday or Saturday. Then next week will be a couple fours and twos as the last week before the race will be here.
Some of us are going the half marathon, some the four mile, and some have injuries or illnesses that will keep them from participating.

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