Monday, September 29, 2008

TAH--DAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a quick update so those of you who have been following this journey with me and haven't yet heard....We all did it ! All of us who ran the 13.1 and the 4 mile did it. We conquered our fears, injuries, mis-givings, excess baggage, and we did it. It was a perfect day which made the experience even better. I have recovered well physically which I am thankful for. Within 24 hours after the race I was feeling almost back to par. Today I feel "about like any normal day" except that I am still on a"high".

I did some walking today just to work out any kinks. This evening our regular monday evening group workout is going to be a party. One last chance to get together and share our experience and compare notes.

As soon as I can I will be adding my thoughts and some additional pictures to this page so you can share our day.

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