Friday, August 15, 2008


Yesterday morning I did a four mile run early (6:15 to 7:15) and I discovered what it is like to run the first half hour in the dark. Days are sure getting shorter. The sunrise was beautiful though and I had a good view of it as I ran back to the east on the return leg of my run. There is little traffic on the road where I run but I still have to be wary. Especially with something in my ears. My daughter Carolyn pointed out to me a few days ago that my cel phone can also serve as an mp3 player, which I didn't know, so now it is loaded with a few albums. I have found that the beat of most of the songs on Kenny Chesney's "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems" is a good match for my pace. But the biggie is that the Disco Beat of my old BeeGees albums is a perfect match for me to run with.
I always seem to forget some piece of equipment at that early hour and yesterday it was my sweatband. Yes I sweat, even at 58 degrees. Thankfully my running shirt had long sleeves.
I forgot to Tivo Ryan and Mary so I didn't see Jamey's Thursday morning visit with them until I checked out the INC Website last night. Those M & M's will get you every time.
Today I leisurely walked two miles, just for anyhow, since it was such a beautiful day. It took a deliberate effort to keep walking and not break into a run. But I wanted to see how much difference it would make in my time. 3 mph instead of 4. My take on that is--even if I have to walk some I'll still get the job done--so don't be discouraged.
Tomorrow will be my nine mile run. The BeeGees are going to run it with me.

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