Saturday, August 23, 2008


I really was ready for my run this morning. My workouts went well this past week and after two days of recuperation I was confident I would make 11 miles. I did. So that challenge has been met. I did have more of a struggle at times this morning. I did take a number of walking breaks, none of them very long, and towards the end it was more painful to walk than run. Why I don't know. My feet really hurt today and it was worse when I walked. I made the 11 miles in just over three hours. The first 8-9 miles I was averaging 16 minutes to a mile but the last two it went to 17. Still at the pace I have found works best for me.
I journeyed to New Haven, IN. this morning for my run and joined my daughter and her running friend. They were both doing a 10 mile run today. The River Greenway Trail was once again super to run on. Today's distance took us all the way to the east edge of Ft. Wayne and back. They returned after the five mile mark and I went on to 5.5. All the runners, bikers and walkers are a friendly lot and the trail was busy. If you kept moving the mosquitos were kept at bay. I returned home, got some lunch, and have been resting.
I am in more discomfort after my run today. Whatever combination of things happen is always a question mark. Was it rest, diet, temperature, humidity? Who knows. At any rate it has been five hours since I finished and I feel like it was an hour ago. Not like the last two runs. One thing I found to be the case again this week. When at the 9-10-11 mile level one mile is like another and the only obstacle to keeping the pace, for me anyway, is a hill. That is when I drop back to a walk. I am now looking at the last five weeks of preparation for September 27. Our schedule allows us to ease off the distance so I need to find out if I should attempt another 10 or 11 miles or not. I've proven to myself I can do it and that's a hurdle I'm glad is out of the way.

A Postscript: After 24 hours I can report that last evening I began to come out of the after effects. I think the main problem was dehydration. It can sneak up on you--even when you think you've done what you should to keep it at bay. As the afternoon and evening went by I kept taking on water frequently. The fact that I was down 6 pounds when I weighed myself after I showered yesterday failed to set off an alarm. This morning I am feeling great with only some minor muscle aches, especially in my thighs. My feet, which were hurting so badly yesterday during my run, have recovered. I need to come up with a new plan on taking on water before and during my longer distance running.

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