Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I got out yesterday morning for my first attempt at running down here in Florida. I headed for the trail in the nearby park and began at about 7:15 a.m.. It was already up in the seventies and dripping with humidity. The trail is excellent and follows the perimeter of the park and is roughly a half mile long. As is usual for me the first part is the hardest, making me think "this isn't going to work". After the first half mile I got in the groove though and it got better. I didn't know how far I would go and started with three miles in mind. Two miles running and I was able to keep on going--so I did. After three I did walk for a short way and then had four miles in mind. (The humidity was oppressive--I sipped some water along the way--and wiped sweat. My sweatband was soaked.) I made the four miles and kept on chugging. TO MY SURPRISE I MADE IT TO FIVE MILES. After not being able to try for that last Saturday this was a great feeling.

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