Sunday, July 27, 2008


Today, after having returned from vacation last Friday night and spending yesterday in household recovery mode, I ventured back out on the running part of my life. What a pleasure to get out in our comfortable weather. I picked a new set of roads to run this morning so there were new sights to see. I maintained a run the whole time with the exception of waiting on traffic at a couple cross roads. I made six miles. Less heat and humidity helped me cut seven minutes off the time it took to run the six miles in Florida last week. Here's where the "wall or hurdle" dilemma comes in. Upon finishing and during the last few hours I am physically drained and lacking recovery in my legs. Is this all I'm going to be able to do? I don't think I could have gone much further today. Hopefully this is just a hurdle that somehow I will break through soon. I am becoming increasingly aware that September 27 is just over the horizon.
Oh, by the way, I'm a six mile man with a two mile bladder. Thankfully in Ohio we have lots of cornfields.
And another tidbit of info. My daughter informs me that mile 10 and 11 of the Fort 4 Fitness Run are a gradual up hill run. Does that mean 12 and 13 are down hill? Hope so.
Time for a shower--the flies are after me.

1 comment:

Kylee Baumle said...

Oh Terry, this was hilarious...six mile man with a two mile bladder!! LOLOLOL! Love it!

Romie wanted to ride the bikes after I got home, so we power-cycled around the square. My legs were like Jell-O when we got finished! Not so much of a heart workout, but the legs sure got it! I'll run tomorrow.

You are doing SO well!!!! You're an inspiration to ME. You're 18 years older and doing what I can't yet do. Keep up the good work!