Monday, May 5, 2008

Always a new twist.

Yesterday I worked out early in the morning on the treadmill. It was going to be my only opportunity. I covered two miles at a brisk pace and then showered and we headed on to church and some family activities in the afternoon.
Today at our workout Jamey added some new twists to the exercises. It raised the level of difficulty. I was able to do them pretty well except for the side planks. They went like this: Lay on side. Support yourself on elbow and feet and hold in a rigid slanting position for 30 seconds. I only made about twenty. Didn't do too bad on all the other positions as we rotated through them. 15 stations two times--second time through some were different than first time.
We warmed up before the exercises and I walked two minutes and then ran three minutes.
On Thursday we will be meeting at the Three Rivers Running Store. They will advise us on shoes, clothing and equipment. After we will have the opportunity to run on a trail that is close by. Tomorrow I hope to do an hour to an hour and a half on River Road. I want to do at least five of the three minute running segments.

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