Thursday, April 24, 2008


Not too very long ago I bought a new belt. The one I wore most of the time was getting pretty ratty and I had put in an extra hole or two to make it bigger. Well guess what? I need a new belt. I could put some extra holes in this one to make it smaller but I don't need 8 or 10 inches of extra belt extending around my side. So goodbye perfectly good belt. (Gosh I love this) And I'm glad I still have some older pants and shorts around that I am starting to fit back into.
Yesterday was rest day and I did that. Today I only walked a mile in anticipation of our work out this afternoon. Our session was very interesting. We as a group have begun to know each other and rely on each other for encouragement. Yet, we really don't know much about each other or our motivations to tackle something like a fitness and running program of the magnitude of the Fort4Fitness Challenge. So we each had a turn telling about ourselves and how we ended up doing this. Very interesting and I feel closer and more involved with each of my team members. It was a good thing to do.
Tomorrow I will try a repeat of my walk/run of a couple days ago when I finally could click off the 2 minute runs. If it feels right I'll see if I can get in some 3 minute runs.

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