Thursday, April 10, 2008

Progress and We're On TV

Today Mary Collins did live remotes on the morning news with Dr. Jamey Gordon and Kevin from our group. It was a kick off to the public participation in our endeavor. This isn't just about those of us who are fortunate to be in the training program, it is about how we can inspire many of all ages to join in. As was the case for us a few weeks ago it is about starting with walking (correctly and efficiently) and building from that to the running. Good things happen along the way. All of us in the group can do so much more, feel so much better, and see how we are making progress.
This Saturday many of us will participate in the fund raising activities that Ft. Wayne and surrounding area have developed as participants in Oprah's Big Give that will raise money to develop and finish segments of the miles and miles of trails that stretch across the area.
Today I walked a mile on the treadmill just because I knew it would make me feel good. Our group workout was going to consist mostly of exercises so I wanted to get some walking in. At the workout we did two repetitions of the various exercises using weights, exercise balls, balance platforms, lunges, lifts, etc. That took up most of the hour. Tonight I have aches. No pain no gain.

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