Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Brisk and Breezy...Not so Easy

Yesterday at our regular group workout we did two sets of the exercises and I have to say that I am doing them with a bit more ease. I did fail to hold the full time on the side planks though. At any rate they are a bit easier for me. And the after effects aren't as uncomfortable as they used to be.
I waited and watched the thermometer today and when it finally hit 50 I headed across the river for a road workout. I was anxious to see if I could do the 3 minute runs again. I DID. I had a cold head wind and at first regretted taking off in only a long sleeve tee shirt. I warmed up fast though and probably would have been a bit warm in anything heavier. After only a hundred yards or so of walking to get warmed up I did my first run. Made the 3 minutes and was happy. I walked until I had recovered and did another. It was tougher, partly because the terrain was slightly hilly. It was around 6 minutes before I felt like trying another and it was really hard to make. It did it and had to concentrate on a sign down the road as a goal. Made it to the sign and then only a short distance more for the 3. I repeated that sequence two more times but it was so hard. But that was my five runs. Hurray! The last one was right before I turned to head back to the car. I had gone 2 1/2 miles right at 45 minutes. I walked back but occasionally would run for a minute or so when I felt so inclined. Having the wind at my back was much more comfortable. I'm glad that I did my workout out in the wind on the road because those conditions are harder to deal with and good practice for marathoning. The results for the day---5 miles, 1 hour 30 minutes, 5 three minute running segments and a few smaller ones for good measure on the return leg. Hopefully I am catching back up to the training schedule. The issue with my ankle and ham string certainly put me behind as far as the running segments of the schedule but the last two weeks I've progressed and moved ahead. Some time this week I'll see if I can do a 4.

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