Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Outdoor Workout Today

We have a fitness trail in Antwerp, only a mile or so long, but it is paved and joins up with our park and then some city streets that can be utilized. Today I did my running/walking there covering a total of 3.3 miles in about an hour. Batteries went dead in my little GPS unit so I lost the totals. It was working at the half way turn around point and so I doubled the figures it showed me there. I am happy to report that I mixed in several stints of running, some for two minutes and some for one. I am taking antibiotics and allegra for a sinus infection--breathing well wasn't one of my strong points today. Yesterday afternoon was when I got the two skin cancer spots removed and the incisions and stitches are a little tender today but not bothering me much. What I noticed the most was how much the wind affected me when I did the return portion of the trail into the wind. It seemed to make it a little more difficult.
I'm fortunate to have the free time right now to be able to put in an hour or two a day on these workouts. We'll be doing exercises at the group session tomorrow evening so I hope to put in some time walking/running early in the day tomorrow. (Can't believe I am looking forward to doing it but I am.)

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