Friday, April 25, 2008

Oh Boy--Those Were The Days.

I find it easy to get discouraged. So I have to have a "be patient session" in my mind when I can't do what used to be easy. Just take off and run for instance. Today I did my 5 mile session and did four 2 minute runs and one 3 minute run. The rest was brisk walking. But what a struggle. It's 80 out. I wore the wrong shoes (judging from the aching feet I have). It took me 12 minutes longer to do the 5 miles. So it wasn't an easy workout.
Now consider this: Yesterday was Grandparents Day at my grandson Ethan's school. I was so pleased to be able to be there. As was he that I could be a part of the school day with him. The first thing the third grade did after introductions, etc. was go to Physical Education. It was their day to run the mile, which is one of the requirements to earn a Presidential Fitness Award.
They got all lined up and when the whistle blew off they went. Fast. About 50 yards out Ethan lost his right shoe. He didn't even slow down--just kept on running. He ran the mile with one shoe on! And finished fifth out of all those kids. 9 minutes--33 seconds. Believe me I thought about that a few times today when I wanted to quit early because my left foot was killing me. Back in the good old days, when I could run at will, I only got impatient when I couldn't get back out to run and play some more. Now my impatience is aimed at my inability to get my body to do what my mind thinks it should be able to "just do"--like it used to.
After I got back home from the walk/run I went through stretches and exercises and realized they were not nearly as difficult for me. At the beginning of March I was barely able to do one exercise or run or even walk much of a distance. So here I sit, with a bag of frozen peas on my left foot, thinking thankful thoughts about the last month and a half and looking forward to the coming weeks. I can't wait--I can't wait...

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